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This is my house that I traced over a reference image using the pen tool. I tried to replicate the colors of the photograph while making them more vibrant. The parts that I made up myself are mostly the shrubbery. I wanted to do this in a cartoon style so I used line to show texture as well as dark and light hues of green. I believe the most successful aspect of this piece is the consistent style that it was done in. Nothing feels out of place. Also, I tried to you a wide range in value to make sure that there was good contrast.


This is a portrait of my friend done in a style influenced from shepard fairey. For this I used a complimentary color scheme. I used contour line to show space in the background as well as the form of the face. I took this further by using brighter hues for parts of the face that are convex(cheekbones, brow, chin,) and darker hues for parts of the face that are concave(eye sockets, under the jaw, septum/under nose). I also use value ranging from black to white in this piece, which is why this piece is successful. The complete range of value helps to establish contrast.


This was a cookie box that I made in graphic design. I used an analogous color scheme and flowing lines to help move the viewer's eye around the front of the box. I placed the cookie off center on top of one of the lines to avoid it being too distracting. I used bold lettering in a cool legible font for the brand name. I tried to balance the colors throughout by using the orange and yellow to cover the biggest shapes in order to balance out the intensity of the reds. The most successful thing in this piece is the use of color scheme and line work.


This is an image I made by tracing a photograph of my shoe with the pen tool in illustrator. I then colored the shoe in using the live paint bucket tool, and I copied the same shoe placing them in positions and adjusting them to different sizes. The composition is symmetrical, and the line element is very prevalent in this piece as everything is outlined and overlapping. Another element that is present in this work is value, as it ranges all the way from black to white. I think the most successful aspect of this work is the use of a symmetrical composition in a way that isn't boring.


This is a mountain scene that I made entirely in adobe illustrator, using the pen tool, along with gradients and live paint. Color and space are two elements that can be observed in the work. I used the gradient on the water as well as the reflection is show distance. I also enhanced this by having a closer foreground. I used color to add life to this winter landscape as can be seen in the water as well as the sunset. I believe that the most successful aspect of this work is the portrayal of depth.

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